Selected Publications               Ko Sakai, Ph.D.               Research Gate

Perception of Surface

Representation of natural contours by a neural population in monkey V4.
I. Machida, M. Shishikura, Y. Yamane and K. Sakai (2024)
eNeuro, ENEURO.0445-23.2024; DOI:

Correlation between neural responses and human perception in figure-ground segregation.
M. Shishikura, H. Tamura, and K. Sakai (2023)
Front. Syst. Neurosci., 16:999575 .doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2022.999575 

Dimensionality of the intermediate-level representation of shape and texture in monkey V4.
A. Kodama, K. Kimura, and K. Sakai (2022)
Neural Networks, Vol. 153, 444-449 

Figure-ground responsive fields of monkey V4 neurons estimated from natural image patches. 

K. Kimura, A. Kodama, Y. Yamane, and K. Sakai (2022)
PLoS One, 17(6):e0268650, 1-27

Interaction of surface pattern and contour shape in the tilt after effects evoked by symmetry.
K. Sakai, Y. Sakata and K. Kurematsu (2021)
Scientific Reports, 11, Article 8024

Population coding of figure and ground in natural image patches by V4 neurons. 

Y. Yamane, A. Kodama, M. Shishikura, K. Kimura, H. Tamura, and K. Sakai (2020)
PLoS One, 15(6):e0235128, 1-28

Perception and Saccades during Figure-Ground Segregation and Border-Ownership Discrimination in Natural Contours. N. Wagatsuma, M. Urabe, and K. Sakai (2020)
IEICE Trans. Information and Systems, Vol. E103.D, No. 5, 1126-1134

Invariance to low-level features and partial transfer over space in the tilt aftereffects evoked by symmetrical patterns.

Y. Sakata, K. Kurematsu, N. Wagatsuma and K. Sakai (2019)
Journal of Optical Society of America, A, Vol.36, No.2, pp.283-291, doi: 10.1364/JOSAA.36.000283

Spatial structure of receptive fields and surrounds in response to local figure-ground configuration in monkey V4.
K. Kimura, Y. Yamane, H. Tamura, and K. Sakai (2019)
Proc. ICONIP 2019 in Austrarian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems, Vol. 17, No.2, 7-13

Interactions evoked by the contradiction between border ownership discrimination and figure-ground segregation.
N. Wagatsuma, M. Urabe and K. Sakai (2018)
Frontiers in Psychology, Vol.9, Article 1681, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01681

Modeling the Time-Course of Responses for the Border Ownership Selectivity Based on the Integration of Feedforward Signals and Visual Cortical Interactions.

N. Wagatsuma and K. Sakai (2017)
Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 7, Article  2084,  doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.02084

Representation of local figure-ground by a group of V4 cells.
M. Hasuike, Y. Yamane, H. Tamura and K. Sakai (2016)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9947, pp.131-137, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-46687-3_14 (ICONIP 2016)

Perceptual Representation of Material Quality – Adaptation to BRDF-morphing Images – 
K. Kudou and K. Sakai (2016)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9947, pp.208-212, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-46681-1_25 (ICONIP 2016)

Sparse coding generates curvature selectivity in V4 neurons.

Y. Hatori, T. Mashita and K. Sakai (2016)
Journal of Optical Society of America, A, Vol.33, No.4, pp.552-537, doi: 10.1364/JOSAA.33.000527

Perceptual representation and effectiveness of local figure-ground cues in natural contours.
K. Sakai, S. Matsuoka, K. Kurematsu and Y. Hatori (2015)
Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 6, Article 1685, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01685 

Facilitatory mechanisms of specular highlights in the perception of depth.
K. Sakai, R. Meiji and T. Abe (2015)
Vision Research
,  Vol. 115, pp.188-198, doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2015.05.001

Figure-Ground Segregation by a Population of V4 cells --- A Computational Analysis on Distributed Representation.
M. Hasuike, S. Ueno, D. Minowa, Y. Yamane, H. Tamura and K. Sakai. (2015)

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9490, pp.617-622, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-26535-3_70

Neural construction of 3D medial axis from the binocular fusion of 2D MAs.
W. Qiu, Y. Hatori and K. Sakai (2015)
Neurocomputing, Vol.149, Part B, pp.546-558, 
doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2014.08.019 

Perception of Symmetry in Natural Images --- A Cortical Representation of Shape.
K. Sakai, K. Kurematsu, and S. Matsuoka (2014)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 8836, pp.135-141

Early Representation of Shape by Onset Synchronization of Border-Ownership-Selective Cells in the V1-V2 Network.
Y. Hatori and K. Sakai (2014)
Journal of Optical Society of America, A, Vol.31, No.4, pp.716-729, doi: 10.1364/JOSAA.31.000716

Spatial and Feature-Based Attention in a Layered Cortical Microcircuit Model.
Nobuhiko Wagatsuma, Tobias C. Potjans, Markus Diesmann, Ko Sakai, Tomoki Fukai (2013)
PLoS ONE , 06 Dec 2013, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0080788

Feature-based Attention in Early Vision for the Modulation of Figure-Ground Segregation.
N. Wagatsuma, M. Oki and K. Sakai (2013)
Frontiers in Psychology, Vol.4, Article 123, 17 pages, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00123

Latency Modulation of Border Ownership Selective Cells in V1-V2 Feed-Forward Model.
K. Sakai and S. Michii (2013)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,Vol.8228, pp.291-300, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-42051-1_37    

Consistent and robust determination of border-ownership based on asymmetric surrounding modulation.
K. Sakai, H. Nishimura, R. Shimizu and K. Kondo (2012)
Neural Networks, Vol.33, 257-274

Surface-based construction of curvature selectivity from the integration of local orientations
Y. Hatori and K. Sakai (2012)

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.7663 425-434 

Structures of Surround Modulation for the Border-Ownership Selectivity of V2 cells
Y. Nakata and K. Sakai (2012)

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.7663, 383-392

Decoding of Depth and Motion in Ambiguous Binocular Perception.
K. Sakai, M. Ogiya and Y. Hirai (2011)
Journal of Optical Society of America, A, Vol.28, No.7, 1445-1452

Medial Axis for 3D Shape Representation.
Qiu and K.Sakai (2011)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.7062, 79-87

Roles of Early Vision for the Dynamics of Border-Ownership Selective Neurons. 
N. Wagatsuma and K. Sakai (2010). 
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.6443, 99-106  

Orientation Dependence of Surround Modulation in the Population Coding of Figure/Ground.
K. Kondo and K. Sakai (2010)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.6444, 565-573 

Robust detection of medial-axis by onset synchronization of border-ownership selective cells and shape  reconstruction from its medial-axis.
Y. Hatori and K. Sakai (2009)
Lecture Note in Computer Science, Vol.4984, 18-26 

Surround modulation in visual cortex can predict border-ownership selectivity: psychophysical study of border-ownership-dependent tilt aftereffect
T. Sugihara, Y. Tsuji and K. Sakai (2008)
Journal of Optical Society of America, A, Vol.25, No.6, 1426-1434

Spatial Attention in Early Vision for the Perception of Border Ownership
N. Wagatsuma, R. Shimizu and K. Sakai (2008)
Journal of Vision, Vol.8, No.7, 22, 1-19

Representation of medial axis from synchronous firing of border-ownership selective cells.
Y. Hatori and K. Sakai (2008)
Lecture Note in Computer Science, Vol.4984, 18-26 

Effect of spatial attention in early vision for the modulation of the perception of border-ownership.
N. Wagatsuma, R. Shimizu and K. Sakai (2008)  
Lecture Note in Computer Science, Vol.4984, 348-357

Direction of figure is determined by asymmetric surrounding suppression/facilitation. 
H. Nishimura and K. Sakai (2007) 
Neurocomputing, Vol.70, 1920-1924

Simultaneous determination of depth and motion in early vision.
K. Sakai and S. Katsumata (2007) 
Neurocomputing, Vol.70, 1819-1823

Border-ownership dependent tilt aftereffect in incomplete figures.
T. Sugihara, Y. Tsuji and K. Sakai (2007)
Journal of Optical Society of America, A, Vol.24, No.1, 18-24

Spatial attention in early vision alternate direction-of-figure.
N. Wagatsuma and K. Sakai (2007)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.4232, 219-227

Surrounding suppression and facilitation in the determination of border ownership.
K. Sakai and H. Nishimura (2006)
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Vol.18, No.4, 562-579

A computational model for determining border-ownership consisting of surrounding suppression/facilitation.  
H. Nishimura and K. Sakai (2005)
Neurocomputing, Vol.65-66, 77-83

Determination of border-ownership based on the surround context of contrast.
H. Nishimura and K. Sakai(2004) 
Neurocomputing, Vol.58-60, 843-848

3D Perception --- Shading, Texture, Stereo

Decoding of Depth and Motion in Ambiguous Binocular Perception.
K. Sakai, M. Ogiya and Y. Hirai (2011)
Journal of Optical Society of America, A, Vol.28, No.7, 1445-1452 

Facilitation of shape-from-shading perception by random textures.
K. Sakai, K. Narushima and N. Aoki (2006)
Journal of Optical Society of America, A, Vol.23, No.8, 1805-1813

Perception of depth and motion from ambiguous binocular information.
K. Sakai, M. Ogiya and Y. Hirai (2005)
Vision Research, Vol.45, 2471-2480

Spatial-frequency analysis in the perception of perspective depth.
K. Sakai and L. H. Finkel(1997)
Network: Computation in Neural Systems, Vol.8, 335-352

Characterization of the spatial-frequency spectrum in the perception of shape from texture.
K. Sakai and L. H. Finkel(1995)
Journal of Optical Society of America, A, Vol.12, No.6, 1208-1224

Perception of Orientation 

Functional roles of receptive field structure in the perception of orientation.
K. Sakai(2003)
Neurocomputing, Vol.52-54, 141-149

Neural grouping and geometric effect in the determination of apparent orientation.
K. Sakai and Y. Hirai(2002)
Journal of Optical Society of America, A, Vol.19, No.6, 1049-1062

Perceptual segmentation and neural grouping in tilt illusion.
K. Sakai and S. Tanaka(2000)
Neurocomputing, Vol.32, No.1, 979-986

Retinotopic coding and neural grouping in tilt illusion.
K. Sakai and S. Tanaka(1999)
Neurocomputing, Vol.26, No.1, 837-843

Cellular Nonlinearity

Spatial pooling in the second-order structure of cortical complex cells  –– Computational analysis.
K. Sakai and S. Tanaka(2000)
Vision Research, Vol.40, No.7, 855-871

Coarse-grain parallel computing for very large scale neural simulations in the NEXUS simulation environment.
K. Sakai, P. Sajda, S-C Yen and L. H. Finkel(1997)
Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol.27,  No.4, 257-266

© Ko Sakai 2014